Violence against hindu minority in Bangladesh

Violence against Hindu minority happens yet again

Last updated on September 8th, 2023 at 04:24 pm

Violence against Hindu Minority again took place in Bangladesh. Hindu houses were vandalised by the supporters of Hefajet-E-Islam, a radical sect of Islam. At least 35 houses belonging to the Hindu community were damaged while the other 40 houses were vandalised. The nation once again has failed in protecting its citizens regardless of their religious and political identity.

According to the report the incident took place on 17 March 2021, in the Shalla bub-district of Sunamgonj districts of Bangladesh. The mob, supported by the Hefajat-E-Islam leaders, attacked the minority just because a young man from the community criticised the chief of the group on social media.

It is utterly reprehensible how time and again the minorities of the land are being attacked and the right to criticise, as citizens of a sovereign state, comes at a high price for the communities. It is as if the majority has hijacked all the rights to keep with themselves by depriving the minorities.

Where the current political party Awami League was supposed to vanguard the right of the minority by upholding the preamble of secularism, they are not safe in the supposed guardians of the party, as well. In the early December of 2019, a group of ruling party people vandalised in Sunaimuri sub-districts of Noakhali for a mere reason.

Attacks on minorities id no longer some astray incidences in Bangladesh. It has become a social ill. More often, minority people are killed, houses vandalised, the land was taken away, the temple is destroyed. Christians are sometimes persecuted, their scriptures are dumped, and many, let alone talking about the aboriginal people of the land.

The attack on the minority is an attack on humanity itself. The majority supremacy on minorities is resurfacing every now and then. The rule of law of the land has been turning into the rule of the majority.

More so, what even more concerning is securing justice for the victims. Many such victims from minority communities are still waiting for justice for the loss and harm incurred to them. Even after more than 20 years of the Ramu mayhem on the Buddhist community, the sufferers still made to wait for justice.

In the auspicious movement of celebrating the birth centenary of the father of the nation, Bangladesh has to witness such an unprecedented incidence like an attack on the Hindu minority. Nevertheless, the minority oppression by the minority is an unexpected, but condemnable act.

Having said that, the indices like this, that causes stigma to our national pride of being non-communal, should be condemned by any thinking man, while demand for securing justice for the victims must be a stepping stone towards a peaceful and united nation.

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